Cheap Grace?

Holtonumc   -  

Are we as Christians selling cheap grace? What I mean by that is we say, “all you need to do to be saved and have eternal life is believe that Jesus died and rose from the dead and you will be saved and have eternal life.” As though it is merely a transaction based on my mental acknowledgment of some propositional truth or fact about Jesus. Like, do you believe that 2 + 2 = 4? We need to believe in our hearts (not just our minds) that Jesus died for our sin, for MY sin, and rose from the dead to defeat sin and death, but the Bible is also clear that there should be repentance (Acts 2:38). We are truly sorry for our sin, there is remorse for how our sin has offended God and separated us from him (even eternally, Romans 6:23). We confess our sins to God and commit to turning away from them(which is what repentance means). Additionally, as Romans 10:9 reminds us, salvation also includes our accepting that “Jesus is Lord”, which doesn’t just mean we speak this with our mouth or words, it means we publicly acknowledge Jesus is God’s Son, and Lord (Leader) over this world as the risen King. It also means I am declaring Jesus is Lord over ME, he is MY Leader. I submit myself to Him and His authority over me.

Yes, God has demonstrated grace to us through Jesus Christ that we need to wholeheartedly embrace as a gift. And, No, we cannot earn our salvation, that’s why it is grace, however I believe we have short sold salvation and eternal life, trying to make it sound easier than it really is (“just believe this and say these words and walla you are saved”), and there are now people believing they are saved and going to heaven when they haven’t truly repented of their sin, and declared that Jesus is their Lord (Leader). They continue to live in sin, believing everything is ok, they have their eternal fire insurance (get out of hell free card), when they are not saved, and do not have His Life abundantly and eternally. They will not be in heaven with God forever.

Case in point. I was talking with a member of our church who did not grow up in a Christian home, and went to a church early in his marriage and the pastor asked him, “do you believe Jesus is God’s Son? Do you believe Jesus died for your sin?” To which he responded “yes”, he did believe that. And the pastor replied, “then you will go to heaven.” Guaranteeing him his salvation. However, as he admitted, it never came from his heart, his life did not change at all. So accepting what that pastor declared over him, he believe his eternal life insurance was covered, he went out and continued doing the same bad stuff he did before with this false belief that he was saved. About a year later, Jesus came to him (and his wife simultaneously) in a dream and said this was the last opportunity he had to get right with God. And he knew at that moment he was not saved. His previous supposed declaration of faith was not from his heart and a conviction of his sin. Jesus was not his Lord. Fortunately, he responded and came to Jesus and has been closely following and abiding in relationship with God ever since, serving him at every opportunity God gives him.

Many people claim to be “Christian” and “believe in Jesus,” but are not saved because we have sold a cheapened version of grace, not the genuine costly version that requires repentance and submission to Jesus, not just the free gift of grace. like when Jesus said “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23)”. Is your trust in Jesus and his sacrifice for you from your heart, or just a mental acknowledgment of something you believe is true? Have you, and do you repent of your sin to God (turn away from it) trusting Jesus has covered and forgiven your sin (not just to release my guilt and shame, but because it is offensive to God and separates me from him)? Is Jesus your Lord, your leader whom you have submitted your life to? Do you know God, and have a relationship with him? Is there fruit in your life such as obedience to God and loving others (1 John 2:3-11)?

Grace is neither free nor cheap, it cost God everything by sending Jesus to pay the price. My concern is that people are living their life with a false sense of security about their salvation rather than living according to true faith and belief as given to us in the Scriptures.

“And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”