Seeing Jesus Face to Face

Holtonumc   -  

The Scriptures are clear that one day, those who trust in Jesus will see him face to face, or as 1 John 3:2 reminds us, that when Jesus appears (that is, returns to earth), we shall be transformed to be “like him, for we shall see him as he is.” That is, we will see Jesus in his full glory, as he prayed in John 17:24 (NIV) “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” We cannot now comprehend Jesus in his full glory (although we are given glimpses in the transfiguration accounts and Revelation 1:12-16), nor can our present bodies handle seeing Jesus in his glory. In the OT we are told that no one can look upon God and live (Exodus 33:20). His glory is too much for us. Moses was able to meet with God, but even he could only see God’s back as he went by him while he was in a cleft on a mountain (Exodus 33:23). We could analogize trying to see God’s glory to looking on the sun. We cannot look directly at the sun, otherwise its brilliance will burn our retinas, and we will not be able to see again. Likewise, we cannot look on God’s full glory, his holiness, his perfection, his perfect love and joy because our present bodies are not capable of doing so. Partly this is due to our sin, we cannot enter the holiness of God as sinners (we will surely die), however through faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sin, we are made clean, holy, and pure in God’s sight, so that we can “spiritually” enter into God’s presence and his throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). Meaning we can pray and be in direct personal relationship with God. But we still cannot physically enter his presence. However, one day, when Christ returns, our bodies will be resurrected and transformed into a glorious resurrected body like Jesus’ (Philippians 3:20-21). This new body will be able to literally, physically enter into God’s holy, glorious presence. We will see him face to face and be enraptured in the joy of God’s glory and beauty. As Randy Alcorn writes in his book “Heaven”, “The most exhilarating experiences on Earth, such as white water rafting, sky diving, or extreme sports, will seem tame compared to the thrill of seeing Jesus. Being with him. Gazing at him. Talking with him. Worshipping him. Embracing him. Walking with him. Laughing with him. Imagine it!” Augustine wrote, “There is nothing greater or better than God himself, God has promised us himself. God shall be the end of all our desires, who will be seen without end, loved without cloy, and praised without weariness.”