God’s Unconditional Love

Holtonumc   -  

God loves each and every one of us because “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16).  His love for us is not based on what we do, or who we are, it is based on who God is. Someone may feel like, “God can’t love me because I have screwed up today, this week, this year, my whole life.” Or, “I am a complete mess and don’t deserve God’s love.” And yet, God does love you because love is God’s character, and God created you to love you. It is the lie from the enemy and from our own past and experiences, which tells us we are not loved or can’t be loved. We are already loved unconditionally by the one who made us for a purpose, to be loved and return his love. There is nothing you can do, or fail to do, which will cause God to love you any more or less than God does right now. Instead of running from his love, we need to receive and embrace his love. God demonstrated his love by sending his Son Jesus so we would know who this loving God is. And then he showed his love by willingly dying on a cross for us, covering our sin (atoning), so we could be in an eternal relationship with him. Are you running toward or away from God and his love? Like the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), his arms are open wide and he is waiting on you. Don’t walk, run, because he is running to you.