Let Jesus Carry Your Burdens

Holtonumc   -  

Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.v 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

We all carry burdens in our life. They could be the burden of our sin, and the poor choices we’ve made, and the outcomes of what they have done to us. Our burdens could be the result the poor choices of others, and how they impact us. Or they could just be the product of unfortunate circumstances we find ourselves. But we feel the heaviness of these burdens. They are like a 100 pound weight tied around our necks dragging us down. We are weary and heavy laden. Jesus invites us to come to him, and take his “yoke” upon ourselves. A yolk was what farmers put on oxen to work together so they could plow a field. It sounds like Jesus is inviting us to put more weight on our shoulders, however the yoke of another actually distributes the weight and shares it. Only in our case Jesus is carrying the larger load. He is actually taking the weight of our burden off of us and onto himself because he can handle it, since he is the Son of God. He allows us to find rest, to get a breather, even as we are moving forward.

What burdens are you carrying? What weighs you down?
Which of these will you let Jesus share so you can find rest for your weary soul?
Jesus will not take them from you, you have to willingly share them with him, and you will feel the weight lift off your shoulder.

Lord Jesus, thank you for your love and gentle mercy. That you share our burdens, lifting them off of us and putting them upon yourself. Help me give you my burden(s) so I no longer need to carry that heavy weight around any longer by myself. Help me experience your burdenless rest.